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From!netcomsv!decwrl!!!!!!!!!!gatech!!!!!!mmooney Tue Sep 27 18:00:20 1994
Xref: alt.folklore.ghost-stories:7201
From: (Maureen B Mooney)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.ghost-stories
Subject: Re: ghost or not, suggestions
Date: 26 Sep 1994 20:42:44 GMT
Organization: University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Lines: 52
Message-ID: <367bo4$>
References: <35cvn1$> 
X-Newsreader: TIN [version 1.2 PL2]

Gary and Karma Tucker ( wrote:
: Maureen B Mooney  writes:
: >himself to women. It's actually quite an interesting story, if you want 
: >to hear more, let me know! And, Good Luck with your Phantom Operator!
: Let us know!!!!!!!!!!
:                    xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo               Karma


Here's a summary of the tale.  My friend moved into this house in eastern 
Mass. The first night they were there, her aunt awoke late in the evening 
because she heard a strange noise. When she went downstairs, she saw the 
entire kitchen had been 'transformed' inot what appeared to her to be a 
meeting room, with a table directly in the center.  Mind you, she could 
still see everything "real" in the kitchen.

She then explained that their were people talking about the table. Some 
were leaning against the walls, others were seated, and still others were 
walking about the room. She even said some of them looked directly at 
her, but kept doing whatever it was they were busy with at the time.

The next morning, when everyone got up, she was waiting in the kitchen. 
She told everyone what she had seen. They didn't quite believe her. So, 
my friend's brother waited in the room that night. But, he didn't see 
anything. However, the aunt's sister had come over after hearing the news 
and she told almost the same story.  Her story differed in one part.  She 
claimed the "ghostly meeters" has adjourned their meeting and had all 
left via the front door!

Well, curious beyond belief, they rushed to the historical society and 
researched their home. Sure enough, they found a lot. It turns out that 
the house belonged to Daniel Webster--well, the acreage had belonged to 
him. He had built his meeting house there. One winter, the house burned 
down. The townspeople built another one, but not in the same place. 
Instead, a lake formed.  When the lake had formed, Webster brought the 
key to his old meeting house to the lake and threw it in. Years later, 
the lake dried up and my friend's house was built.

Now, if the burning of the house was paranormal, I cannot say. What I can 
say is, no one has seen the ghosts but women.  Weird.

And if you're interested, the Governor's house down the road is haunted 
as well.  Want to hear that one? 

Perhaps the entire area is haunted?

Hope you enjoyed the condensed version.

:> Moe

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